2021/02/25 H 0959

Retracing My Steps

I find myself floating from aspect to aspect of a project like this (procedural 8-bit music) without even alighting on solid ground. This dallying, dilletantish behavior has not served me in life. In a fog-filled wood, filled with popcorn, strings and cryptic markings on every tree is where I find myself in life repeatedly. I am leaving a popcorn trail, unraveling a string, and carving glyphs into landmarks, but there is no homebase to return to. It seems like I never know why I am doing anything. So, I will set out with a goal in mind, run into an obstacle, and set down the path of overcoming that obstacle, and this act sets me on a new path. And on every path, there are new problems. After awhile, I am lost, alone, and wondering not only how I got here, but why I left wherever I was in the first place. And when I meticulously retrace my steps to the starting point, there is no solid ground there either.

As a consequence of this I developed a "slug" I call "Where Was I" in my log/journal files. I start the line with "wwi" and then try to keep track of what I was doing. Then I can ask my computer, "Where was I?" by grepping /^wwi / and get a nice report. Nevertheless, I end up lost.

Where was I?

comments: hipstre@protonmail.com
